Your northern fishing adventure starts here... 7038 S. M-37 Baldwin, MI 49304
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Thursday, March 24, 2011

3-26-11 Fishing Report

The fishing has went from very good in the warmer weather to a hair tougher with the colder water temps. Fish are starting to get use to the colder weather and are finding there normal haunts. This is good because our run was going to be over to quickly and this will make the steelhead in the river stick around for a while.

Hamid with his first permit on the fly, with famous guide Roger Merine, he landed that one on a 5 weight very impressive.

If your already wasting time in your office here is an awsome flick on fishing with our friends the Merine family on Amerguis Cay

Ella's first St. Patty's Day

She like's her Kiss me I'm Irish Shirt

My new stealthcraft model

A very questionable 75 dollar ticket considering car spotters have parked here for years

Although I was 15 feet from the No Parking Sign I still got a sign for parking to close to a no-parking sign, some confusion on a complex crowded situation at Gleason's

Dr. Sprague with a nice brownie in the March blizzard

Nice snow male was a fun fight

Maverick from Top Gun was in my boat Saturday-Nice fish Kev.

Dr. Bell works had for this male

Jason with another nice male-he had a hot 2 days of fishing

Brown #3 for the trout slayer

Nice fish from the 2 chairman of the steelhead slut fraternity

Nice Corn Cob Jason

Casey with an impressive first steelhead

Jason and Doc Bell enjoying some time on the P.M.

Doc. Bell with his packer hat wore proudly

Trout Slayer with #1 trout of the trip

Captain Mike was Casey's best friend when we finally got a steel to the net great job fighting this grumpy male

Belize Picks: Landing a nice permit with friends casting to more in the background

Permit are the hardest fish to land on a fly in the world

This bird had good pemit karma

I miss that 85degree weather

I like my racoon eyes from the sun

My favorite fish to go after

I had a couple lucky days fishing in San Pedro

Nice big eye landed in front of scary kay - Leonardo Di Capario owns it 1k a night to stay there

My first of the trip caught on foot

Andy with a nice fish

Backwater Bone

Emailed pics are distorted sometimes

Big Permit Andy
Nice Bone Aaron

Another big bone from Aaron

I have had some cancellations for the next month or so: I do have a few open dates: March 29-30, Sun. April 3-4. Then it's fairly tied up until middle of May. Give us a call if your looking to hook into some chrome.....

Captain Mike


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