High water steelhead can be a ton of fun,,,,,,Thursday afternoon when me and Wayne hit the windy MO for some great late steelhead fishing the MO was at 2800 c.f.s.,,,yesterday afternoon when great first time steelheaders Chris and Pete from Chicago left the MO it was 6,000 c.f.s.,,,,,needless to say the river is raging.........The fish were biting much better in the high water and were a whole lot of fun to fight,,,,,,,,,,I did manage to some how fall out of the boat landing one of the big males that Chris landed,,,,,his first steelhead! Great Job,,,,,,,,,It can be a little nerve racking being in a river that is moving that fast..Lost my prescription Action Optics and almost my hat but I learned to pay attention a bit more after the high fives.....Chris and Pete said that was the fastest they had ever seen someone jump back into the boat. You will see one of those pictures my waders are full..............Every picture except good friend and steelhead expert Mike Tosick were these clients first steelhead!!!!! After this rain we still have another week of good steelheading on our tailwater to the north and south.................With some warm weather our hatch season on the P.M. will be upon us..........We have some open guides next week give us a call
Captain Mike
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